Story Lab Week 14.
Here is my story lab proof from twine. I am unfortunately still struggling to post the file for some reason. So my second best would be a proofing file. So here it is. The below story was created off of a real air disaster. This was created for my Aviation Ethics Class. When I figure out how to publish the HTML story. I will update this. You can try this link here. I have heard of people who have had success opening this through Google Chrome. GULF 072 Gulf Air 072 It is August, 23, 2000. |cloaked1)[ The time is 1915 ] |cloaked2)[ You are a first officer and acting as Pilot Monitoring and your Captain is Pilot Flying. You are opperating Gulf Air A320 Flight GF072. The flight departed out of Cairo International and you are on approach to Bahrain International Airport. You are 5000 ft AGL recieving radar vectors for the approach ] |cloaked3)[ATC: "Gulf Air 72 turn left heading 175."] |cloaked4)[ [[Left 175 Gulf 72]] ] |cloaked5)[ [[Right 175 Gulf 72]] ] {(live: 3s)[(...