The Hermit On their long journey our brave traveler Rama finds himself coming across a mysterious secluded area. Upon entering this area and making camp, out of no where and a big flash of smoke and light appears the "Great Pious Hermit", this Hermit was of great significance to Rama but he was yet to learn that significance just yet. For now he was filled with fear and concern as it was fire season and there was a burn ban. However, Rama's fears quickly resided when the Hermit spoke "Hello my dear traveler for we have been waiting many moons for you to visit". Rama was unaware of the significance of his arrival but the Hermit new it was a moment he had been long awaiting. Rama asked "why?' the "so I can drift off to the moon and stars and walk among our brothers and sisters of course". Rama looked on with disbelief. "Now is not the time for looks, but time for great food". The hermit feed them great food. Meals they had heard a...
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