Week 2 Story

The Alligator and the Raccoons Heart Once upon a time, a cliche... I know, but the story has to start somewhere. In the beginning down in the mystical land of Jimmy Buffet fans, Hawaiian shirts, and retirement we come across a nice swamp in Florida. Here we meet a clever raccoon who lived along the shores of the swamp. The raccoon spent his sunny Florida days collecting and eating trash that he found in the nearby park that nestled up nicely along the water line of the swamp. Just down the swamp lived an Alligator who lived with his wife. One day the Alligator was swimming through the swamp and realized he could not find any food. The Alligator soon came upon the Raccoon who was enjoying some half eaten sandwiches and some chip crumbs, a typical trash meal for the clever Raccoon. The Alligator asked kindly to share in the Raccoons meal, which he happily accepted the company. Overtime the Alligator and the Raccoon became best of friends spending many hours together and of course s...