Reading Notes Week 11
I read the Giant Crab because I thought "wow a giant crab, that has to be interesting!" Sure enough, it was! I really found the story to be interesting. I like how the lesson to be learned from this story is that you should never keep something entirely to your self when if there is enough for everyone it should be shared. This giant crab did just this, although he did use the only water source as a way to lure in his dinner he was also preventing every other creature in the mountain from drinking from the only water source. Additionally, the lesson in the story could be that it is your responsibility to stand up to those who hurt others. The elephants did just that and faught back and helped out everyone in the mountain. I do not think that the crab needed to die, maybe get beat up a bit or relocated but still, you live and learn.

The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India by W. H. D. Rouse with illustrations by W. Robinson, online at: Internet Archive.
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