Storybook Research Week 10
Planning for operation bodyguard began in 1943 under the auspices of the London Controlling Section. The objective was to lead the Germans into deception and believe that the invasion was going to be further north at Pas De Calais in the Balkans. Many new techniques and theories were developed to aid in the deception. Dudley Clarke lead these efforts. German intelligence operation were heavily mismatched. Much of the German lines of communication were compromised. Codename Ultra gave the allies insights into how effective their deception efforts were. So a lot of planning went into effect early before 1944 rolled around and bodyguard officially began. Elements of Bodyguard played into the landings of June 6th D-Day landings. Dropping dummy paratroopers throughout the landings. Fake ships and simulated invasion fleets laid off of Pas de Calais. Prior to this fake tanks, jeeps, equipment, and personnel were being moved around in staging areas in the northern parts of England including dummy landing craft. This success delayed the German Fifteenth Army in the Pas de Calais for seven weeks allowing the Allies to build a beachhead and ultimately win the Battle of Normandy.
Rupert the Paradummy
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