Reading Notes Week 5 pt. 1
I watched the video Sita sings the Blues for this week. I will say watching this really helped me get a better and more clear grasp on the Ramayana. Reading is not my greatest gift, I am a slow reader and I often have to read back a couple times. So when I find a video that helps elaborate or explain it really helps me. This gave me a better grasp on what exactly is taking place in each part of the story. I like how they connected Sita to Jazz and Swing music singers. I am a huge Jazz fan so hearing that connection and how they tell their stories through music is really cool. In addition I found the Narration from the three narrators and their banter amongst themselves is really entertaining. I really connect with humor and I find a lot of humor in this. I will say the multiple animation styles is verryyyyyyy confusing and often I find it unnecessary. Regardless though seeing the story and actually watching it play out along with the notes very much helps.
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